The next thing at the supreme cheese burger court is Lunch Gate, a crime of food chains getting mixed up with each other. "Now things are getting personal" the beautiful woman states. She won't be eating there again. Anger passed like human gas through social media, and protests turned into riots and riots into insanity. Welcome to America!

Why blame Putin! He is not capable of doing this!

Where is Xi?

As I explore what reality means to me: I think if life is a race, it is not really vs others. You are trying to make it somewhere, and the closer you get the more you realize how difficult your goal actually is. It is mostly a bad illusion out there, both in terms of it being misleading and in terms of how little there is that is truly worth living for.

I am losing interest in American politics, and so are most people. How do you fix a problem when two more spring up?

How can I find out about these events?

If I lived on the moon there would be privacy and less advertizing.

Soon Musc will be there, don't you worry!

She told me to keep my lips shut.

What you need to know about the moon!

Before the before time, the sheep had established a great empire, ruled with wooly tough love, by Fleece the Great, whose god was the Anti-Goat!