Today I wish to say: America still has a special something. Keep your eyes on the good.

I am not for Kamala. I never thought she should there in the first place. I couldn't believe she was Vice President either. Lucky for her if she became President.

With all that has happened in Ukraine it is clear that the world should not only help, but be interested in the Ukrainian people and their culture.

Even here in the United States it is a war against barbarism, savagery and deep ignorance.

It is shocking that Ukraine has done this well. I have held my breath again and again. These guys pull off miracles.

A vision of the future that must be stopped.

First there were the greatest whiny brats ever, but now even better! Stupid Nazi's with anal power fixations for absolute power!

They can't stand being called Nazi Poop.

As pure evil grips the land, the badies do their worst and the antichrist comes, disco ends, and sexless zombies roam.

Unwoking the zombie left! Offer them a gold spoon.