Shall I increase your value!

Perhaps a gold plated ass

On disaster planet

For the lastest gas

To be of lavender and rose smells

Or in the school of buttology

You can do wonders with your butt

Scientist's heads will spin

We will abort abort

Hello hello mission control

Hello can I say hey there

What model butt do you possess

What advanced degree is above your knees

Now you are successful!

Zomies in Utopia!

What does the new zombie do?

Stare at electronic brains while salivating heavily with heavy drool!

Also the butt watching zombie is now here!

There are new sport zombies who will eat others just for their team!

Vegan zombies who zombie out over kale!

And the very new TV licking zombie!

So are human's a form of moth that also chases butterflies?

Another reaction I had:

Much of it over years and years

The applause dims

To the shouting sounds

The record is scratched and worn

Sometimes skipping

I was looking around the internet to see how alive the creative spirit is..