Get well soon.

Tragic not.

Good will rise out of evil.

I think badly of powerful people attacking the most vulnerable. The Trans. Shame on you.

Don't just sit there.

Its not as weird as you might think it.

The universe might be a mirage. It might not be. Such is science.

A heart that is not full.

The end of something very wicked.

The tough must kill the bugs.

Ask your dogs what to do.

Fools go into holes.

A place my Grandfather was as a child.

This is Dick. Dick Cavett!

You got to choose..

Tea never seems to do it.

I never truly bluff.

No money, no problems!

Nobody will know you anymore.

A little rain everyday, not my life.

There was nobody.

Stop pretending to be holier than thou, because then I will ai you.

I am now later or not?

Suddenly all is not well.

With out now how do they do it.

I figure this is what is happening!

Ducks to kill off an entirely new species of humanoid.

Nobody has a clue what is going on in Brazil right now, but dancing is expected.

Wild stormy unpredictable weather expected in Russia next week, with the the possibity of lush grass.

American's ranked the "Biggest and the Best" with the world keeping notes.