Suddenly love was back and you want to have a heart attack.

Cat Supremist!

Welcome to America!

Mouths are interesting holes, which do many things, and we watch them and our own holes, even in the mirror.

Don't be a duck. They are always pissed off. Always. The meanest of all animals.

Professors are turning into huge loafs of egotistic French bread, with mealy mouths and big nothing words.

I don't like the arts today, in fact we live in the worst age for the arts, and nobody seems to be complaining or hardly notices. So they can sleep in their bad art.

Perhaps the best people aren't even human. Fool that anyone expects too much from anyone.

People can be living in hell, but you might not know by the look of them, and pychos are not that uncommon. Time will sort that out someday if the Bible is correct.

When you die you won't be able to go back and check your legacy out.

So time rushes through you like a force and you can't ignore it.

I see nothing wrong with eating fast.

So walking is usually done too fast. Unless you have a reason just stroll and look around you.

Moving real fast is absurd sometimes. It is because tests show that time moves faster than you can move. Don't even try to catch up with it, because you will almost knock yourself out.

So success only exists within the rules of time.

Fact. If we try to get too much done and move fast as possible the effect isn't as desired.

The quest of so many people is to move away from time's nature quality and mess with it in some way, especially in our mind.

Try dancing to understand time better. Some people say life is a dance. I'm not convinced.

Even in the present people can try to bend it's reality, but that's awkward and lame.

It seems that our pets are better than us, mostly.

As an animal we prefer ourselves over other ones, but still we can be an awful species. We see this all the time unless we are good at hiding from this. Now a days that seems impossible.

So there is almost an electrical vibration to the present. It has an intensity. The path is basically now. No magic tricks will do a lot.

Imagine the past is distorted and the future doesn't even exist. Painful? Then the present looks like this l l l and you are l somewhen in the middle. Have a headache?

This class is just to show what I am going through when I am going through something, A change you might benefit from, and even a loss of some competitive advantages. Lets see what I do.

I have been wrong before, but its coming, right here in Andalusia, where I wait for her broken sky, for a lark to find new wings, and new wind for something new.

I am looking closer at Kamala as a potential that I could accept.