Dangerous, but fun!

I am a man of fiction and science and science fiction. This war is going to show something promising about the future and the nightmare that our future could be. It is not too late for a better world now. Care or not to care?

I predict that with chain of command and the tank loss in Russia, the crutches are needed, and I think have seen a wheel chair lately and even false teeth. Need I mention a broken wheel. We shall see or not to see!

Bridge of Death destroyed or Terrorist Attack!

How is "Mostly" doing? I have my struggles, which I believe are healthy. I am concerned though about how to keep maintaining the standards of my blog.

Igor is done with it.

Other points to view!

Always appealing.

You are stronger and more powerful than that wimp over there!

In cruelty do you trust as if sympathy weren't enough, pressing upon you with employed frets, to the still silence of tears held back, with all the world running from something, I want to be with a Yak.

Creation follows destruction or just caos and stupidity and lots of potential loot?

Do you remember when Hot Lips melted a HOT DOG? Just drink a beer instead.

I don't think this man is anti-semetic, a free thinker yes, and that involves a spectrum of thought and changes.

A modern dictatorship does nothing?

Above the clashing waves, of idiots and knaves, I find an alcove of sanity and down below a child laughs.

This War doesn't make sense to me anymore, fighting is just killing people.

In my mind the root problem of this war and other bad stuff is a form of war fever. War is not boring and so we can drift into it, and Russia itself was drifting and is still drifting, not liking that it might ever be driftwood. It is still relevent, but winning won't increase it, as that opportunity is long gone. Now just the absurdity of war, and the grief it causes.

Walking the line between worlds.

Cousin of mine.

For you gender fluid ai non alcoholic pronoun free mildly carbonated organic crafted drink that you drink before anyone inside California!

Sniffing for clues.

Examining faults..

If I prefer not to be touched, it could mean I am petting a cat.

All men possess David Bowie Powers!

When she grabs my fence I know things are good.

Just flush your mind down the tiolet with this new teck invention.

It's getting hot, but you are cool.