Next time I go to the beach alone you will be there with me..

Next time I look across the world

I will imagine your warm words

The love will rise with the morn

No loss will touch my heart

So to hear beauty

To feel your love.

History has been made as poetry surpasses stories in the interest of readers across the world.


Astrology and hippy thinkers!

People just want to feel good

And try to understand

And make sense of things

Life is weird and tough

Because of rock people

Who eat our rocks!

Rid us of rock people

All is well.

Now rock and roll

To save your stones!

Not hippy, but once I kinda was!

Now the more science explanation!

Life is full of awesomeness!🐱

Full moon solstice on same day today!

This star spangled banner does wave

For this land of the free

A land deep in my heart

I have risked to save

More than once

To California we came

My great great grandfather Jacob

To move around from Fulsom

To the Bay

Had once Malaria in Panama

And survived the jungle

To make a California

And become a state

I am an American

From head to toe

Fly that flag high

Warp Drive!

Now it goes!

When Donald Trump said to think big it was about getting filthy rich, but not about Donald Duck!

I am unstoppable!

In the Bay Area the Summer Girls come out to play bringing luck.

I did some Karaoke, singing Space Oddity.

My first album is coming out in a little over a month.

I even got a sound engineer and a guitar!

So fuck some icecream!

In the museum were many turkeys painted on a mural,

Jolly birds they were

And full of themselves

Like a party from hell

Giggling through iron walls

I had to eat them all!

I don't like the word "Fans" but who ever you people are thanks for helping lift my spirits!

I had a dream that Trump was never born and that his middle name was low brow.

Do you really think Trump could bring progress?

Shall you and I attempt to touch the sky. Shift of story.

Susan lay on her back breathing loud and heavily.  Strange cloud formations were above and nothing seemed below.  She now felt that Bill Hole must be dead.  There was no fighting this overwhelming feeling.  Deep down she knew this has nothing to do with him.  She was at least aware that she had been losing weight and was more anxious than normal.  To her left she listened to a creek swishing and burbling, then jumped to her feet.   The metropolis was waiting!