Putting vegetables in your rear says nothing about your sensitivity, empathy or common sense. It does tell me that you have been screwed by holier than thou democrats.

In the end Trump proved that he was stronger and more determined than Kamala's beauty and beaming smile.

In the end good wins over evil.

When America wins the world will eventually start dancing!

If Trans gay, or with nothing, becomes the big thing, we will all have to register at the department of lost love in the sex department.

Trump's golf ball fails to knock sense into Putin, the hamburger to the head doesn't do any better. Looks like waaaar! for a few more months guys.

Bill is Back!

We just discovered a moon that looks just like a golf ball.

Trump won't let this happen again.

I can promise the world that in America seniors do a lot more than play bingo.

After over a year of explosive accusations of genocide, causing attacks on Jews, the embarrassing facts are out:

I really do have a crow friend, and sometimes her boyfriend gets jealous and makes her fly away with him.

My opinion that I have wanted to say is: No matter what, Putin will not win.

Inspiration can beat the devil.

TIME TRAVEL SPECULATION: Many people think that speed connects with actual time travel. The thought is if you move in a precise and rapid way you will zip past others, then you will get to the finish line and be ahead of your times. Another idea is that the best ideas form when you are half awake.


If people stopped fighting each other and put some time and energy into America, you would see a miracle, in fact you could expect a miracle.

Lets celebrate a new hope.

If you thought these social equality movements made sense, remember that hard work doesn't care what color you are or if you have no penis or vagina.

Winter leaves that hang on, they are romantic, the last signs in a modern age, things that hold onto each other.

An effect of the election has led to an improvement in my creativity. For example my poems and drawings suddenly got better!

A word from MISTER FICTIONS: You ever feel like a fiction? If so then compare yourself with Bill Hole and you won't feel so bad. Now get yourself some ice cream and no more moping and sulking!

There is a lot of evil to smash, but lets be builders.

The defender and the avenger defeat the evil minions.

A great place to drain the swamp!

Democrats want you to imagine them this way:

If evil begats evil than after a hundred years of that you could have a very nasty situation. This reminds me of the democrats rise to power.