That's baby talk!

A better world!  That's better!

On June 28 I will turn. Turn into a new age number with added age benefits and super powers, plus one free cup of coffee!

I must confess there are no green stars so no great theory!

Oh well!

The future according to a non-futurist!

If America is lucky things will improve here.  This country does seem to have luck even though it has tragedies.  I think we have a pioneering spirit and eventually come together after all.

I really like your funky love honey!

All wise people know

They don't get wise

Schooling all the time


I suggest in incorrect language that trump is not only lacking in greatness, but he is ungreat, and the generation he is speaking of is WW 2!

A general social norm is to keep social arses clean around people!

The show must go on and those were bad grapes anyway, and cheese also.

Rat has spoken!

I am against the Brexit because one day determined a huge change in the world. Even if a Brexit is right for England given an interconnected world this seems selfish.

The language used to cause Brexit to happen on both sides of the fence needs to be examined.  Enthusiasm should not be confused with intelligence.

Hopelessness is often cited as the #1 reason for depression!

In my opinion depression is often caused by the failure to act and by not feeding the mind enough with good thought food.

So far no evidence of green stars. Can Hubble try again!

I am often surprised by what is popular on my blogs!

It is not exactly predictable!

I read depression for dummies many years ago..

The women were often depressed due to their perceived lack of beauty, while men were simply unaware of how depressed they were.  So a hidden problem was revealed and upliftingthoughts.org began!

I hope to collect stories and any videos about the cat named Harry who impressed everyone.

This was the most extraordinary cat.

It happened as a sound of men weeping, know this men who weep, who stare into walls..know this well.

Bravery is not so charming if faked..as puffery..it happens in the sands..got myself a puzzle..not to hold me down..drink me down with juice.

Celebrity obsessed human centric scientists explore the mysteries of cat intelligence with snobbish language.

A missing person on the radio alternative,

Free sounds amount to a pot of gold

Enters the sun devils on fire

Drunk just once to touch.


Its funny with ducks


Here they come



To hide yourself..

Get on out of hell

To a magic land

Where people exist

But rarely are

Hiding out from the fair

Where the madmen are

Those motherfuckers

Yea I get pissed off

But up here

They get lost

I'm gone.

I like to think of black holes as movie projectors!

There was a moldy grave that had opened and a casket..glowing green it was..something wax missing..leaves cracked and there he was..ready! As if he knew you!

So many sailors..

And dreams of forgetting

In a deep sea of aquamarine

With enough razors

And balls of steel

They are here

Fuck you!

I know deep down some people are having questions about me..

I am not sure I can do that.

What ever happened to Mistress Lips Nelson?

She has been up to something!