Now for some backwards hopscotch.

Is it natural or just vertical anylisis for sissies?

So new world order people might be disapointed with the global mess you are in, but we have war mop for sale with too expenive broom, and the idiot book of all time ready for all.

In case of emergency.

Well that does sound interesting.

They have no feelings.

Real cards are best held for later

Out of the fire, with flames.

Travel back a bit in time.

When does war become unatural.

Alice was not bad, but good, a very fine lass, and she liked to break glass, from the foggy mirror, where she placed the key to her heart, that nobody would know her, nobody would see her down on her dreams, by the shore, crashing into yours.

Not to sweep the globe.

Can you believe it!

This Sunday you will be in my heart felt prayers and stuck in glass vase with all your clothes removed.

Get your new power banana, fool your friends with extra slippage, eat it or decorate with it, and it's on sale!

Tranzensuals United.

Are you happy with the dead?

Trees bring the birds back to sing, and sometimes that is exactly perfect. Even exilarating.

I followed myself once, and it wasn't a game, as visions of my future remain, the beauty of years recalled, and the weight of it all, was wired across many halls, knowing all.