It is exciting or just being stupid? You decide and more! To be continued!😂😍!

Yet there must be something.

And where is Alice now? Inside London Town in a cab she's in a rush, but why? Alice is on fire it seems bold chasing a new dream, bold as great flames. Alice had walked for miles on streets, oh dead ends, till the clock rang out, then she got bold, and Alice remembered her home and the fire place, her nine cats, and then..

War must not leave us with out mercy.

Remember who you are and let that shine.

A death? oh no.

For the small boy.

It is not the fire that scares me, but the fire tornado does.

With my red coat I began to run to England.

Romance just is human, but not like red hulk comic books.

Greed to become the leading cause of large bank accounts yet again!

In the future men will have knobs, not nipples. In order to control things.

Mega Man and Power girls to face each other for the first time. They compare superpowers and all is well.

I knew Batman would come to the rescue and explain that I am not Superman and can get hurt.

A hairy situation indeed thanks to the female big foot I wandered into.

It was better to be a frog anyway as long as the heat in the pot remained cool.

Internet nut case finds actual nuts for the first time!

Any complaints?