So Mark what is really going on in that mind of yours?

Seems like I am standing on two planets lately

Things are looking better, but it is not always like I can pinpoint it

Almost a sense of warp speed in the air

Or a time warp

And yes spring is finally warming people's hearts up

I think I could use a long cat nap

But I am not that kind of cat

So I can do like my other cat friend does and just casually explore

Harry is my kind of cat

Very friendly 

But no lap cat for more than a few minutes

Harry knows that life has some cool things out there...

So Mark what do you find motivating these days?

I think things progress with out me sometimes and I need to notice the way life is doing it's things.  Sometimes the world can be a scary place and then you start to notice that in some weird way my faith and efforts are doing something.  This blows away the futility concept.  
Your hand reaches out

Only there is no key

And no green door

Just a green man

In a big gray city

And a lollypop

And he is making a sketch

Of a faraway place

Where the characters 

Lived beyond the city

And saw things 

Within the city

And played city games

Which were fun

It is now chapter one

And he looks at his thumbs

Watches for wind

And moves

Into something.