Am I loved? I don't know, it's usually the people who don't tell you that love the most.

As I have said, people must come here, and they should, as here is good.

I am still figuring things, but the map is looking worth the exploration, keep discovering, keep loving, and don't be a fool.

You got to grow and that means not to want a too easy path, you want some challenge, and to allow the universe to be, just as you need to breath.

I am not a man of the past, but very here now.

People often mock that someone claims they will do the impossible, until it is done. Then they blush with shame.

A gift to all my followers.

This man is unstoppable, nothing moves him!

Bill Hole won't just talk unless he is talked with so just expect him to be friendly, and he has been known to become extremely friendly if you are nice enough.

It seems that dem news is unfair, unbalanced and unhinged.

Sex change managers to lose their jobs, and minds.

Pope in hospitable from bad cheese dip.

Instead of resisting Trump they began to resist Bill.

Is there a bakery Bill Hole can work at? He is a little hard on his luck.

You can farm a barnyard, but not farm an urban area.

They are preparing for Bill Hole!

I am not going nowhere as fast as I seem. I have a sled.

This Valentine Day I can honestly say that Vampire Love Sucks, and is there for Suckers.

Religion could be one of the big answers to our problems.

The Better World Project is looking like a very good idea lately.

Staring at an a hard boiled egg won't turn you into a bad person.

People who are capable of changing their opinions are not changlings.

You know a person is a duck when they find reasons to get angry with you, from imagination land.

I have found that caring can be transforming, because it is possible to care too much.

Growing up in my family meant that I wasn't sure if my Mother managed a small country. I suppose that was me.

If the war in Ukraine ends tens of thousands of lives will be saved. Prove me wrong.

Inviting immigrants into your country, that hates your country, is like inviting fleas into your bed.

What if the democrats starting leaking everything? Would it be a lake or a puddle?

In a totalitarian system sneezing can be hard to stop.

Trumps thinking out of the box suddenly seen a huge and amazing, and even beautiful. So much for the small petty thinking dems.

They got sex changes, and nobody saw it coming, a whole gaggle of trans people were suddenly there. Pronoun speech skills needing polishing and efforts at enlarged sensitivity had to get big.

Computers offer a long nap for those cat people.

Tuna Sandwich eaters to form a separate line.

Since the person was cut in two I gave him my greatest love and respect, tried putting glue there, used my sewing skill, prayed for weeks, and finally offered half off at my store.

If a Jewish Person is doing an important job it doesn't mean: 1. He is controlling the world 2. Is related to Soros 3. Doing it all for Israel 4. Is getting incredibly rich 5. Is up to no good 6. Is more Kosher than ever

You can focus on sex and race, or you can focus on cheese and avocados.

There are 50 kinds of idiots out there, and they are also retarded and stupid, but we won't mention those.

I don't want to live in the Lottery.

I can't find any books on ambidexterity, but that is not enough to cry victim of American badies.