What if a gas giant planets emerged out of a black hole? COSMIC FARTS!

Maybe we need some scifi horror novelists in Ukrain to distract the enemy using the terrors of the future against them!

All wars lack essential weirdness.

Welcome! Come!

Just for fun lets say there is an inteligence that is not biological and is not tecknological and is smart.

In some ways I am a scientific difficulty to myself. The way i actually think on the subject may be so rational as to be confusing, so my weird life got at least 3 times weirder the night I saw a star become a black hole.

Trigger Warning: Greatest American prose.

The best thing Americans got from the political class is this:

When I was a soldier lad deep in the heaert of Ireland I was given weapons to play with. So to splice an apple in half to myself in that. Then more tricks, card tricks and clever gamee, to the beach a castle was born and in my hand a bloody sword, and I was once a lad, but now a man?

Weary of war yet?

Witness courage!

Clears the cobwebs out away!

Think peace..

We are all capable of madness, so take some deep breaths and imagine the ultimate math problem!

I think if you study the history Eastern European nations were highly at risk of being attacked within days after the initial invasion into Keiv. Then moved their target more South East rather then North East. I believe this to be a result of more military as much as anything else. Military history shows there is momentum after a successful attack that make soldiers more war crazy.

How am I different then Bill Hole? Bill seems to be very happy with the great outdoors. I am more interested in planets and moons.

My soothing intoxicating body aroma is flowing out of your computer right now!

I started a small happy cult by accident.

Earth or maybe Space?

I will save you Dimitri!