The glory is mainly the triumph of victory.

Its time..

My opinion on how to defeat Russia isn't fancy, it's a sturdy machine that rolls this war, and its the machine that must be broken. Keep destroying tanks and bridges and rails. Tell me if I am wrong please.

Be careful where you place your bets.

Is the future correct?

The situation is under inspection!

Beware of the evil people.

That brilliant smile, a gleam in his eye, you have to wonder.

You fell into his hands, then you run, but the earth is small, and there is, there nowhere to run, just another freak, coming to another, another gun, not my kind of man, no, no thrill in terror, no interest in barbarism, no man, not even anything at all.

Right left up down, sit ups, pull ups, geared up. Rah!

Soon the mobilization will bring the attack!

Love is a hero.

I don't understand what forces are going on in the Democratic Party, but it looks like ideology mixing with politics worse than religion mixing with politics.

Asking Putin to play nice is absurd. I don't think he even plays dice games. Perhaps he like darts. Mmm. Perhaps dart grenades!

Ukraine defeated Russia's main red dragon today. The Ukrainian who made the kill was a bit burnt and ready for more red dragons. He says "That was easy stuff" and then laughed.

The way this blog works is people seem to love it, and it is my duty to keep that loving feeling going, with your help. (Included are x ray goggles at a rare price.)