Prepare to be offended by my offensive armpit odors escaping through your screen.

Bill Hole for President.

Egad you all. I wrote a book of poetry in about a month. It won't have NIPPLES in the title. That was a joke.

Love is war?

A fan or not?

The first cut is the deepest.

My new future ex hair dresser.

Its all about the abs.

This could change the world!

Here to protect the grain!

For those who don't know it Xi was a farmer. Farmers where I am from are good people.

I want a better wold and I want it now.

Our ape will prevail.

In the future will dictators run marothons, just to see the power of em, like the good old days rush them forward is cross country, at the lead, the in suits of armor on top of horses, splendid masculine muscle!

Let us see..

There is no place for extreme ignorance.

Death by machines.

Sronger now.

Death is proof that limits exist.

This is not a fake.

I leave to new lands by boat inside where old men smoke cigar with far away looks, and the rocking sound comes again and again and I wish to speak my mind, but I can't, there is just a distant shore and beyond a forest, an old city with rusty buildings, hard lives doing labor, making babies, and some light shines at the center.

I am not in love, boats are better than women.

God or Nukes?

Who do you trust more: Avocado or tofu?