Totally impressed!


More impressed.

Not impressed.

Sometimes I think on stuff for years.

What next humans?

Waste not, want not, destroy not.


It’s easier to obsess on black holes and neutron stars..get over it!

The foodie principle!

Simple this is not.

When people have lost a greed for gold they certainly can do worse than pillage and plunder.

Blur out.

That’s right!

Someone already has my heart.

My transformer will make me stronger.

Time stops.

Another time soon..

I have protection!

Sometimes expect something..



Time out.



Miracles rarely happen.

My heart is too cold to be gold!

Being nerdy can be cool! Cool people can be idiots!

I suppose it supports sanity?

Finally here she was!

I got a life.

Better talk then stalk!

Jean Michele Jarre!

Out of sight until now!