Fight or die, Europe is just a pie, lay back on the beach, missles come anyway, ask the people of Paris, they will tell you what happened.

Mass Conformity Mob.

Not there lucky day!

So what about now, and then presently in the future, with forward haste, memories come fast, then seem to fade, then stars flash, and alien space ships throb, all is throbbing together as one.

This is important: What goes on, on the moon, stays on the moon. Me: Uh, we aren't on the moon boss. This is important because we will be on the moon in a year from now, just the two of us. Me: I don't think there is enough room on the moon for the two of us. This important because I am in love with you and want to make your new baby. Me: Why didn't you say so? I always wanted a moon baby!

Can't keep this one to myself. If all the physics I have been researching and doing the math for is correct there is a new winner in the number world. (2) Yes two! It takes two to make the world go round. Maybe that means Jesus and God. Who knows for sure!

Jews are not Pro Hammas, so why are you? Pro Palistine? Anti Genocide? Really? And this has nothing to do with Hammas? Nothing?! Just odd that Hammas did anything like brutal: rape, kidnap, chop heads and breasts off, plunder, incredible, so WTF.

Bill Hole has been wandering the streets of Paris, so I am a little concerned.

If either Trump wins or Biden it is the same, help! Is this what we came to planet earth for?

I hope everybody makes it through these times with the support of others, build friendships over time and see your connectedness to others. "There is no seperation between people unless we are fools enough to create it."

The situation in Israel isn't complex, but requires military knowledge and education. In Iraq nobody saw the dead Americans. It was sanitized.

Don't make a doormat for enemies.

History, if you check has always been about Jews offering strong support to those who were getting hammered by the powerful, Puerto Ricans know this and some remember. The people who freely offer help, has been Jews.

So you are welcome to come to your own conclusions, but I think I'm off to the school of Mark, right on the mark, get set go, and fast as lightening into your social justice dishonesty, yea, we are in a terrible bus now, it's costly, perhaps fun for some.

I seriously think America is turning into idiocracy.

New Berlin School..

Everyone want to know, something they don't already, so lets begin with something. That there is a good thing out there. It's that one good thing. Maybe it is the best icecream flavor. Perhaps a street to walk you can count on it sorta..

You people as in likely global, and not bored when they come here, often return. They are nice well meaning people, some are advanced adults, some cute little children.