I did not become a high ranking tweaker moron, but I did discover my true being! Finally I'm something or somebody!

The real thing.

Strangers come to the stage.

Lost in time.

When earth was innocent!

The corperate penis completed!

Then we still have penis envy.

It all seemed perfect.

Perfect strangers offer more danger.

Not exactly your stranger.

Why do we crave to know?

Superiors become or not to be.

An elation.

Balls of rock or more than that!

Order from caos.

An illusion..

A little bit cowboy and jewish so clone me.

Western Penis Envy Begins.

Illusion is the word of year.

Fools become the fools of fools and then it goes..

So you think you are me!

Line up your thoughts.

There will be life or I will die or to be!

Suddenly there she was making all the right moves!

Brandy is my wife to be!

Doors open suddenly and I am superman again!

Sex appeal goes at the speed of thought!

Not heart shaped bombs.