His earthly existence is laughable. Yet that would surprise that reality. Hardly a cave of suffering. There is little trace of me now. I don't care about what's in fashion and the in crowd anyhow. The world spins and I walk into fuzzy clouds.

You never know when Morgan Green will PoP UP!

Our favorite witch was getting a fictional abortion. It was a wicked experience and required a broom!

Meet the less wicked one eyed witch queen of Arzybog!

Its time I beat google, facebook, twitter, the music industry, the book industry and the movie industry! Done!

How can we make unreal money real? Can anyone explain the economics today?

Somebody needs to tell Trump that the universe is an illusion, that it is all unreal.

I admit it, I eat chain food!

Hundreds or thousands of a type of white holes with enough energy to create an infinite universe? A clever universe that makes fake matter and energy? A tricky universe that can fool and seduce theorists! Lastly a universe that evolved small cats capable of almost anything.

I am engaged to get married!


Quantum Physics says locality doesn't exist, so logic would say this is true with the big bang and there is then no rule about a multitude of sources for everything. It is a fine hypothesis!

The most important things in the universe are pulsars.

Loud and Proud!

Finally America is Moral yet again!!😧!!

Meet Mark Hand!!!😛😛😛!!!

It had to happen!

This is no coincidence: Two characters must be true: Mister More Cock and Mister Han Cock!🤓😸😹wow! And of course we all know Bill Hole!!!💩🙀!

Cats are the only wild and self centered animal we admire, feed, and cater to in other ways. Then when they die we may painfully mourn more than family. This can not be explained logically!

In the case of Mark Guttman we are not sure if he is exactly human as described by law books.

He's magic!😍!

Apparently fairy tales will always be loved!

Out of hell!

Sometimes he dreams of a better world.

Your new reality!

Can cancel culture also cancel orgasm.

Lying is no past time, but write fiction? Okay! I may lie then, but how else am I going to dig a little deeper then any therapist could, and when I suck at painting, I need to.