I got a great idea!

I'll concead defeat to the fact that there are no green stars and I was duped by a false image of a green star shown to me.  The theory is now on very shaky ground and may have been toppled completely.  All my efforts were then not important and I am a lousy theorist.

Bill had forgotten how he had gotten there..

It doesn't matter said the Dear

At least you are here and

Thats all that really matters

Bill looks around

Why are there so many mushrooms?

Uh, that's just fungus!

Its a big forest

You'll be comfortable

Just take your time

Enjoy yourself!

Let's talk about my fiction!

Its good.  I know I like it anyway.  It can be difficult to write more than it might look.  Sometimes the narrative flow hits some kind of damn.  For example this Dark Forest is revealing itself more to the readers.  I could be bringing myself and others into a very scary place.  Do you really want to know more?  It began in my fiction over 10 years ago.  It is a sin to go there.

You Decide!

I am glad I'm not from the crazy urination galaxy.

But I'm cool with you if that where you are from!

Self esteem normalacy.

Without calling yourself a Great God or being a super super achievement there are ways!

Say I love and accept myself and have unconditional self regard.

Or be less technical!

I have amazing talents

People really often like me

My ways have compelling ways
Of completing the universe
And I'm a joy machine
Being the best

Jump high


I rule!

I define the word awesome!

People want my hugging!

(That should work!

I have been informed that there are no green stars so my whole theory is bunk?