Things I really like about my new city home in order of importance

My home is a good one

A nearby grocery store with good prices

A park and musuem here is top notch

My close distance to a library

The weather is better than most places

A movie theatre that shows some good picks nearby

A book store with an excelect selection of books

The fact that it is a unique place

Some top notch university with the best department of optomitry in the country

An emerging culture of distinction that many locals seem oblivious to

Good transit system

The main negative I am willing to mention is:

The city seems to be a system of life more than I expected.

I hear you Russia and there is a theme to what interests you people and that is the problems with negativity.

Someone from your country could leave a comment and start a very interesting discussion.  I LOOK FORWARD TO THIS A LOT.

Maybe there is too much informaton and not enough that is not there to inform but to give a high level of the kind of entertainment we need and that being escapist in the right kind of way as in having some level of adult content but not dark really and not fluffy as as a bad children's book.

Sure negativity can be wonderful

In my subjective research negativity is not understood correctly by many which is a reason we are so very very hurt by it.  More on that later.  I will say it has a frequency range much greater or should I say worse than previously believed.  Or just news to me.