The glory of war, is such a thing, patriotic forever, rushing fast and into battle, swords swing and armor shatters, bugles blow and hounds bite the enemy, blood is running, the stairs are covered and dripping, the shouts of anger swirls about, chanting for heads to fall off.

A non person isn't fighting.

The true mirth, is greater than fake laughter.

This is not a drill.

The warmth after the storm has passed, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, turns around to face the sun, the fire burns the village down.

Working torwards being a family of nations and communities makes sense, should eventually bring it all together, mostly.

The lost on the other side, in the wrong, with the sin, and fire alarms, go off and sirens scream, is this love?

It is a passion for one's nation that prefers, the winner to see again freedom, eons of living and dying and change.

If I am right with weak command control this phase of the war puts Russia in a weaker spot.

Air Support Arrives Soon or Now!

The fairy married her. Fact.

The stronger they are the greater the muscle, the oddly painful, coming to the start.

A man appeared in the distance, or perhaps a women, but a shadow could be seen, like a phantom, even gliding upon it's feet.

The birds had nothing to eat, busy dying while eager to find a scrap anywhere, began to attack each other. It was a pecking order for sure.

The bridge came into view as sad on both sides as if one land was the same, both mostly weeds and the stench of death. The bridge seemed unused as nobody showed any signs of loving it, nothing cleaned, nor work done to keep it strong.

I think we are getting close to a last stage of the war. I think it would be harder to understand then an endgame in chess. So I won't want to form many opinions.

What do I do about "Truth?" I don't very much, being busy mostly, then taking breaks. I am about doing, though I reflect, my inner life is not to be my focus, I don't want to think too much about anything accept science and what I can observe.