I think people who had no business picking Jews were partly inspired to add a new epic chapter to the bible. Hint: It's not a TV show or reality show.

If the wolves lose, nobody will forget when they ditched the sweet sheep clothing.

If the Ukranians fall, then their skills learned in war won't be able to be passed on to the EU.. Crazy, that anyone would think that is wise, and allow that to happen.

Once everything changes everyone will be like: "Revolution!!"

Abraham Lincoln was born with an idea as old as time: Make America retarded again! Thanks and thank you! Freedom is really about voting anyway. Plus you get two years to blow smoke at each other! Eventually freedom bells will ring louder than ever!

Seniors rule again!

Can't you do good with evil???

We all have a little stupid in us, deep in the wiggly spot in our chest, the special part, that says, you got to dance with your hands up, you got to stand out and fart out loud and praise Africa, and run off into a mirage, you got to be the biggest artist, change the world in a poem, be eating the best letuce ever!

Once a virgin you can never go back!

I am happy if Ukraine is allowed to be Happy as Russia would also?

In a system that doesn't honor merit how will there be doctors?

How far is far enough?

The main concern:

Democracy or not to be?

History will begin in 1953, from there I want to travel forwards and backwards in time. California will be covered and Japan. (I will not do Israel since it tends to get too much attention for years and years.)