Dictator Romance.

Western styles rule.

This is how to romance the dead.

Only poetry beats Godzilla.

Justice and the riot of art.

This ought to work wonders.

Biking to Moscow, best of luck!

Challenges come.

The basics that are too basic.

My level in the military isn't that high, so I can't understand the story of the war. My sense is the math of mistakes vs the math of fast learning. You can't win if the see saw goes there. Ukraine was working with a handicap, and that actually turned into an advantage. My opinion. Also true that a disabled person may be more abled than you think.

News Flash!

Clearly Evil Empires will fail..

The next frontier?

Back in August 2023.

Its the end of the pardime.

The sonics of another day, some say its a game, of freaks at play, the demons of nothing, and the cave.

Choose wisely or not at all.

Had enough yet?

From one universe of the dead.

When the military becomes mad!

Somehow bees attacked the Russians which set of a chain reaction of events leading to a massive defeat. I suggest getting more bee hives.

Remember this?

The rose holds secrets as pressed to her cheek with whispers into her ears, of love ever lasting, and stories of exotic lands by passionate kissing, an infinite gasp of sensual excitement, birthing for breath, and sighs, from nothing.

What bothers me is the idea that Ukraine and Russia could be a constant mutual killing field for the entire winter.

One of the ways to make a better world is to stop bragging about yourself and posting selfies.

There is no doubt: Israel has a right to exist. It was born at one point with the help of the British, and has been protected by the Americans, and has brought something unlike anything else to the world. Even the start of peace by a deal with Egypt.

Artists have to lie, which is why they must be very honest.

This man gave me a welcome into the world of physics. So glad you helped!

Competing in the realm of steamy things?

Ruling the world with my love should be fun.

So we don't bring the enemies head on a plate, uh that might look like a foodie selfie opportunity in which to brag and gloat over your nemesis. Yet if the universe is in the horror section of the book store beware..

It is still one world, one people, not one computer.

If you go naked and pour lemon juice over yourself you will not become invisible, your crime will seen, even the cameras will detect you.

I must be a prodigy, oh well.

Are we learning, or griping?

Artists are the honesty.

Not diamonds in her eyes kind of crap.

Being alone is different than being lonely.

Somethings new can happen here, noses to explode in nosey fears, getting far too close for me, then the crazy music sparks, all is lands apart, flowing with the deaths of many, as an evil ritual, then happy cows, making milk for chemicals.

Just a hand and I was lit on fire.

American life is too big to fit into itself.

Welcome to the other America.

Anything is possible.

He is everywhere!

It is physically impossible to hunger after the words of old men with dementia.