We rolled dice in a dream and you got snake eyes sure. There would be no big bear hug embrace, oh well. So we greet each other like old friends, though my lips are tied in complex knots. There was an eagerness. Your basic pizza and ice cream together at last! The door opens and there you are. I dont know you, but I play along. Modern life can be rather dull in some ways. The are mysteries beyond any fiction. You probably don't believe much in times like this but, sitting on the long stair case was a child. A very strange kid indeed. I loved the way her eyes suddenly turned cobalt blue. It was a glow from another universe. She was losing the marbles. I imagined empty thought bubbles appearing over her, popping again. I wanted to help after all I loved her. So an enormous pulsing red vine began to grow outside. She was sobbing uncontrolled by anyone. Her hands were playing with cylinders perhaps to collect her tears inside. Nobody can see the vision, and it went up the stairs with no sound at all. I found a folding white suit on the bathroom floor. Its the thoughts late at night that get me going. I'm out the door and ready to sing anything. The slugs were racing today and it began to rain salt. Everything is like a game. Educated and eating worms gathered by myself. The seven wonders of the world now include me, but I personally don't have a clue why? So I searched for heavenly bodies, and all was spicy and sensual. I can look into the sky and know there are far bigger stars then myself. Perhaps I am only an atomic particle waiting to smash something. I like the rabid gushing glow that some people have to offer as sacrifice. Because of global warming I was forced to leave Venus, but it was also a political move on my part. Her shirt told me to be kind to people. So I thanked her and was new. I had to pick a power animal of my own... So I chose Jupiter because it had the most moons rotating around it. I was allowed to love this strange cat and she loved that, and also herself. So she was twice loved. Then I went to Egypt and became a Sun God. If I was a French Man I would also eat frog legs, alas I am not! A wonderful church was seen there and almost turned me, but alas I am still struggling with the lord. If the good lord had wanted life to be safe and easy he wouldn't have invented bubble gum. Eat your greens. Best advise ever! The way forwards is never what it seems. Best advise ever! Who are my ancestors from a confused jew. On my mothers side we know that Dee came from Lithuania and my Grandfather was a frontiersman of California from Germany. Both areas originally were of a different tribe from a larger Eskenazi people. They fit in more, but later death from the nazi's would be the most brutal. Of course Poland would be included in that. Apparently the history is very complex as it overlapped a lot with all the people around them. Some people though were in ghetos others were rather integrated. This time period is close to 3000 years. Live long and prosper. Live wisely also. Reality is mind altering. This new era seems uncertian still. Oh well. The internet goes from mess to line. Enjoy the adventure. How adult are today's adults? A person who gives twice as much as they take has more to give not less. In a culture of evil and darkness imagination is lacking. It is honesty that builds the character to build worlds that inspire awe and wonder. Scientists find new anti-matter within stupidity music sound bits. When things go wrong you can always be your best, and even be perfect at times. C=B then B=A is what I calculate. Or x=xyy y=yzz meaning the time traveling of time being a conclusion that there is no past present or future in the science of time. An equation! The suspense okay.. this is time. An equation that I think explains it.

 My number one recent relative is dee who has passed away over a decade ago.  I had the luck of sending letters back and forth with her when I was a child.  Before she lost mental functioning she handed me a beautiful copy of David Copperfield.

I see it is very unlikely that there are white holes.  Yet there might be white rabbits.

One of the few songs that brought me to tears. Repeated below.


The life I lead is all I need, so I am not needy, which is my definition of freedom. Yet at the bottom of a well far below, a person sits and sits with a finger pointing for something. Wondering is this machine creating mass inhumanity or not? You decide!


I got the burn net in the mood and then music suddenly went fast tempo with the rest of her


Begin again.

Why the lust for power in the 21st century?

Do you believe that our government can hold? No. It lost that ability. Entropy seems to be eating it.


Saying yes is harder then saying no.


Puzzles are fun. Moran's don't. Moral dictators annoy.


Still true. He is a Jew. I am now a cynic, but also a romantic. If I was not a romantic also I would become a fatalist eventually. There has always been and will always be wonders and miracles in this universe. This does not mean to get your hopes high for no good reason.


We need to focus more on that wiggly spot in our chest.


In my better world there is no massive inequality no matter what your rank and statis is.


Are we a nice people?


Two minutes ago I saved a lost blind man. It was my civic responsibility to do so.


Not all fools are. Lets keep the love coming strong.


Its speeding over your head.

I sang this and was applauded.


Nature's ways.

Would you be sent into an internet goose hunting outrage if I was wearing a hat? Somehow I think this could happen right here in this country. They said only Europe could get riled up about hat wearing. Sadly we all know it can happen here as well. Sigh!?

Am I a physicist? In some ways yes I am. If finding things out, figuring things out, and learning exciting stuff in physics matters then I am part of club that should include everyone. I cant stop wanting more, discovery is obsessive in a beautiful longing to touch deeper into mysteries of the cosmos. Somehow I can feel like nothing and everthing all at once. The love of science then is incurable, and has no remedy that I know of, not even religion. Gazing yp at the stars on a dark winter night removes me from this pale blue dot and allows my imagination to believe in things impossible. Love affairs that would melt entire romance novel bookstores, and the arrival of an exploding green star. An opportunity for a lasting peace on earth and joy to all.



Giving up on my long fight online. The man who inspired me might be right that only offline can the evils of the internet be brought down significantly.

I owe this man for his kindness and open mindedness.


How I feel about adrogyny: It is more mental then sexual. My mind can oscillate widely. When I speak I am not always understood. I think its related to me being ambidextrous.





Heal the world. Tikkun Olam.



Now thete is hope.


A covit cure is discovered in Isreal. This should make people happy.


Why have I sacrificed so much to make a better world? Its a calling that I feel. I really do wonder sometimes if people really care whats going on outside of their own bubble. I think that the world has got to get better somehow and that I am perhaps the only person who cares. So I hope that something changes where my hopes in life are not simply based on my own success or lack of success. So I get sad if I don't act. Truly knowing I may fail and blow it, Call me crazy.