Kids, just find something sweet, and stay out of trouble!

We will never raise a generation of hate on my watch.

Only half antisemite sure isn't flattering, but its exciting riding the fence perhaps, but red is a bolder color, and I a have never tried it yet? Sure beats the past anyway! Michigan can be my friend please, and switch sides the right way!

So on this day America is no longer the most antisemetic country outside of the Muslim World, but now is only the forth most.

Try counting to six million and look at this if you can!

Tents made a weak protest movement by breaking the law.

The Nazis were enough!

9 lives kitty!

Returning to THE BRIDGE OF LOVE AND KINDNESS, and out with the hate, pride, yelling, lying, MORANS!

The blog is mightier than the mob.

Pro Palistinians won't know what to do anymore!

If you don't know it: Modonna won THE BETTER WORLD AWARD RECENTLY thanks to all the happiness she brought for so many years around the world.

The truth of Star Chunks.

I had no idea the world was barfing so much. I tend to stay clear of that. Plus all the people gathering in order to fart together. I missed that too.

In the future people still matter, much more than crunched numbers, or edibles, crunch and sweet for the eating.

Not so fun to play God, no matter how down you are, the gnome was kicking dust up, not going anywhere in the poorly kept garden, held tight by walls and a fear of himself.

Perhaps retrocausality means what it takes to break a causal chain, then to change destiny, fate, and the order of events.

Gretchen was a cat woman, who went out at night, she was always happy eating birds and mice. The was plenty of excitement and bodies cold from ice.

Keeping the faith.


Midnight was buried near a rock at the base of a house, and nothing was the same again.

The experience is in fashion and the clothing that fits the season, who walks into other dimensions, who seeks a secret space, something old.

Is life good to me? It has been like getting a new start lately, except I am not sure where I am? Is this still America or am I in a strange new land? There's ai coming nice to me? So I got to go east.