Mark the best of America, for real.

I am an anti=ghost buster.

You got Bill on the floor looking through a hole like a peeping Tom, but he’s not, he’s very solid, rock hard abs and all. But why is he Bill?

Who needs love when you have squids to eat.

We all have at least one little girl inside us.

What if any hour was the hour your life depended on?

Once inside?

A people divided is a mind divided.

Let’s keep ourselves here.

I think space aliens do exist for a simple basic reason, that if you see one of their crafts you will be forever curious. A simple easily given gift.

Alternative paths.


I know everyday I may not get another day, I know that with my low blood pressure I can get slothful, so to some extent I have a gun to my head. If I run away from the world I face another danger that is greater. I must face off with a steadily unfolding story. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I can definitively say there are green stars. Can you handle the truth?

Time for me often has to do with how the future can go in multiple directions and sensing that better paths are not exactly easy to find, to do, and come to the treasure of it. It is not simply obstacles caused by people that challenge any story, the past and present can make a person or myself get lost along the way.

As a person who blogs and uses the internet it is important to remember that I still know very little, that I am not enlightened by so much information, and I am only a mere learner still taking baby steps and open in my mind and free of prejudices.