The future stood still and breathed.

I hope so.

Reality or potential lunacy?

Why Creepy!

Happiness for life!

Happy Winer Wednesday! No complaining please!

We all win!

When two souls meet and become one its time for caviar.

Sounds like we have something in common, we should head to the Elvis Chapel of Love soon!! This might mean you complete me!!

My cat dreamed me into reality, so I am nothing with out my cat.

You too can get pregnant!

Again this again!

You too can be very hungry!

It's my fault, I'm make it up to you somehow!

The new Coke Brothers!

I can literally feel the love!

And you thought ducks were angry!

Getting creative with Botox!


Hitler defeats the Mona Lisa!

I got married an hour later to my imaginary self.

Cover your eyes!

Serious problem!

How cute!

You don't have to be desperate to enjoy this!

If you work 20 hours a day this might be the perfect solution to all your problems.

To love correctly!

Where no boat has gone before!

A flower

If you could be Superman

And reach the clouds of boys that dream

Far above the pains of far out wonders?

A flower

They scream in giant towers

Scraping the sky in panic and desire

Fingers grasping each moment

For a sacred Lotus

To get upon the mud

Sacred nothings of love

Drunk by opium running from sap

Loving from nothing

And you want to have it back

It is an illusion of flowery prose

Paintings in Mexico.

There in your hungry mouth..

A flower

Time itself undresses her pants

Now and forever.