They wondered for an hour and passed gas near a window.

People are about as stupid as they make up their mind’s to be.

There is a deception that can be thrown like glitter can be seen between.vehicles on seemingly endless roads of struggle, and the most beautiful place seems out of the way and untouched, but with a glance it can sparkle, light up, and become very real.

The not so known poetry landscape.

To decide or let fate take you down.

So interesting.

I do that!

Super not.

Here is a false negative.



I want to remind some people in the know what In have done for peace and I will gladly offer my services again.

This is what we all need to stand, the favorite pizza slice of them all.

We got 7000 years of grit in us.

It’s alright.

Lift up and to the new vibration.

Elitism is the real evil.

Roman’s had two religions. Nobody is fooled anymore.