I am embarrassed.

A new truth would be chilling.

The way to succeed doesn't happen in a day, not in a week, and sometimes not in a life time.

What am I doing?

These things hurt.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions and rip offs.

He is all yours for the keeping!

If you want it, you got it!

Two is a dramatic number, one not so much. The universe seems way to interesting to have just on point of origin.

I got to start a new dance craze.

Suddenly there she was, his perfect dream girls, only one being real, the rest robots. He was still being traditional and loved her, but there was too much of him to go around. He was the most virile man on the planet, with a lot to prove.

I take him for his word. His country has been feeling the pain of this war a lot lately.

Why did I theorize two big bangs? There must have been 4-5 reasons floating around in my head. It feels correct is one of them.

Little birds saved my life.

The cosmic song.

No sane person can say that death and destruction is the preferred story of human life. If we are that savage than fight these wars and conspire to do harm. It will end badly that way.

What does science mean to me? It is extremely interesting. Of all the topics I like it most. As I learn more about humans, I wonder. How horrible is that fate, and can that change. But science exists outside of the human landscape. I am glad it does.