Those that feel are also more likely to start thinking.

I haven't mentioned ANTISEMITISM in a while. I suppose it is up to fate at this point. For anyone who is motivated by the idea of a second holocaust it will not be good for you. God will strike.

Better world? Just feelings. Often two worlds, an unequal world. But its the only world we got, so we got to tend to it, or perhaps it may go to pieces.

Hostage donkey's were released from the white house early today. Donkey fans flocked to witness the event saying hee haw!

Strong people are not violent and destructive.

Dweebs. What do we know so far: They can't hear you very well, but when they do it gets exciting. Once a year they can change color and scent.

A person can love an opinion so much that they will shout down facts proven to them.

The topic of today is: Getting your "Act" together. is not just about being pensive and self reflective. Life is kind of an activity. We live and learn by doing. Sometimes reflection occurs while we are doing the dishes, yardwork etc. Here we go again. Not.