Sweet 16, Boss Monster Beaten, wow you people are amazing! Together we will make paintings and stop trying dumb ideas out! Farther down the road to the south where bends the woods and out come elves, a love of new, and newness, and sting rays in a lake.

You might be animated or an anime. You could be king. You could be a dream. Or something.

If the computer doesn't get you, then simple views might.

The weapon to end all weapons!

The other Brian.

Another point to view.

Lets put a lid on it.

Feelings, only feelings.

A woman made it happen vs the man who sold the world.

Maybe the black hole is an anus.

Fiction gave birth to science?

Dangerous lies.

They don't like what mystery could lead people to think.

Glad someone had the courage to say it.

Ugly turn of the war might be one of the last.


Fights on.

There must at least be some mystery to it all.

Blast the abstract at science in seconds.

Are you so sure about being certain.

What if life is art and science is an illusion.

When art messes with reality and the big bang never was.

How could a God paint the universe? For what reason? And what imagination?

How odd.

I take my recent science thoughts as exotic and unlikely. Does God use a paint brush, and is not indifferent, and is God appealing to science if viewed as non-biblical?

Republican's to get kick in balls.

Patriot system easily over eight inches long.

The war is no longer guns.

Rockets squeezed in the hand of justice, while robots calm the people.

Statue of Liberty to stomp across the Atlantic ready to crush lands where freedom has been destroyed.

Are they going to Siberia, for the sandwiches and other treats or is there a mystery?

Porn Star's would understand the exhausting nature of air strikes, but the good news is who got more exhausted.

The Daily Horrors and Nightmares notices a great change behind the new iron curtain. They now look more like drapes made from cheap tawdy material. Nothing is hidden and evil is in plain view. Why? It is my opinion that the anger over false nazi life is looking falser. The fun and games of youth amount to sandboxes and that is all for now.