Pre Hitler.

Get rid of the sugar drinks and every can enjoy the vegies, perfect!

Get married and your life will be great, I promise!

I dare you to do the right thing more often than you do.

She learns fast..

More later..

One future or another..

And then there were pixels.

One love.

Dance out the door!


The Sun Also Rises!

Leave the baloney!

Remember your roots.

Just listen.

My soul to keep.

Don't judge Bill Hole!

I know you imagine Bill Hole to be a loner, but Bill Hole was an object of curiosity, just like Rock Buddy!  In fact Bill Hole attracted children, dogs, cats and even acrobats.  And Bill Hole sat under a tree much of the times.  I would come and sit next to him sometimes and he would show me his baseball cards and tell me all about his hero Aqua Man!

I was a teenager once..

Bill Hole began having memories about high school.  His special spot that he liked most of all.