I intersect the planet, how it's so wrong, you got to be right, just going, doing that, and fuck it, I'm pulling a right. There's some kind of light, a moon beam in my eyes.

One world many faces.

This love bride can go for miles.

If you need a lover.

Violence or not to be!

Just imagine..

Russia meet Doom, from Latveria!

Could it be that Americans super divisions mean an obvious reality: Some Republicans and Democrats are secretly in love with each other. I know you are! Some of you anyway!

I followed you, and that led me into a rainy city full of midgets and giants, but you could not be discovered, not yet. So the ally led me to a hole in the ground. There were stairs going down and orbs of light also.

How to win.

This is were the going gets tough.

Wives got it.

There is a lot to say about America, but I will say this: Gumballs.

To unite.

We rip open all the concealed doors, the pretending peddlers, sly devils, and cross the River Disorder, new lands once invisible appear and also the fear rolls and bolts of electricity upon the demon villian.

The future looks awful (Book 19) Happy ending? You decide.

The new Anti Hero: Flashy Balls of Other Dimension!

It must be done and then relax and build and restore.