Maybe what we need are great hair stylists in America.

Can't anything be done.

People are uneasy..

Buildings seem to sway from earth quakes

The dandy walks like a lord down the waterfront 

Birds take to the wing as being chased by a little brat.

My informant.


It is damn hard is really hard

To feel successful here

In this California

It can so easily be two places

Both heaven and hell!

Can you feel me?

I would rather people kick balls around instead..

The waking of life on earth..

Create or Destroy? You Decide!

Ending the game..

When to not get fooled!

Lord have Mercy!

This wish is for a better world.

Love vs something!

Some people pass judgment as fast as they pass gas, and that can be rapid!

Confused again!

Why do you live?

Old does't mean what you think and I read minds.

Time flies when you're having fun!

I admit that I am not this sexy, but I am working on it!

Real life!

Ready for the peace prize!!


The fight is on!

In the future sex will be based on hopscotch and Japanese Chocolate..

We have be a bookish nerdy culture for too long in America

Our great pyramids are a testimony to Abraham Lincoln

The man who set blacks free so they could be free

As we all know economic justice is the coin we share

And all can now have better hair.

It is like a feeling inside that moves a person into honey moons. You understand?

It is with grand grandiosity that I present the curious thing!

The future will be even stranger than this..

Love and War! Getting something going!

Love has nothing to do with the absurd or the state of New York and California combined into a solid mass.

Its the glasses baby!