The earth really only has one people, the borders and small differences ultimately don't count for much especially if they divide and cause warring. I traveled to Apullia in Italy and found a secret world, I didn't see the poverty, it was the kindness and generosity. They put me at ease though I was a scared stranger. They are fond in my memory.

Not perfect, but worth your time😊

Help is here!

This is the problem!

I think AI will create 6 classes of human and that the creative class might shrink as likely.

Sweet and sour?

Apparently a poem I wrote has become famous. I think I'll throw a party!

Flip it, and flip it good!

Physics quest got exciting when:

Get your rocket ship now! Cheap from Walmart!

How cool!

Totally outdated right?!?!?!

He's toooo powerful!!!!

From her!

She will rule the universe!

Doctor War is in!

Nacho speaks!

Punishment in the age of big robot!

Humaity at the end of time.

Choose well!

Would you drink a drink called HATE SODA?

Science is looking and does it matter if it finds?

Negative is, not what want, so!