We still live in a beautiful world.

The violence is even too much for humanoid robots.

Become a campus activist!

NO problem.

The polls can be lies.

If this is the fun of the future I want out of America.

This is how totalitarianism begins..

They see Kamala smiling and her sound of laughter: Then this happens!

Don't vote for change.

A small dog has a lot of fight in it.

The babies are oui!

When going to the University sucks then go to the hospitable!

When America grows up into Adults they seem to take away only one message...

I was once a democrat. Why you ask? First my parents were and my Mom especially so. Yet as an adult I can see how she doesn't allow any other opinions to get into her mind. If you question her it is impossible. She doesn't have anything nice to say about those people. It is very one sided. So I had to take a look at things more closely.

We still live in a beautiful world.