Nothing much to say

As hope jumps like a monkey

As nothing is like a monkey

Not I 

Not you

We are so advanced

Just look around

Look at all our

Cool doo-dicky-dads!

That is what I call

It is in the mind

Where I light up the water

Where the sparks of new thoughts

Break apart the dust of past events

Awareness causes new flowers this summer

Wonders never cease

Would you wish for lack of wonder

Can you imagine something grand

Dig below the sand

Deeper there you find it

The treasure.

Suddenly the stars lit up

As if touched by a great hand

Swirling the cosmic soup around

Was that something that I found

Enter if you will

A castle on the hill

With royal portals

Men dancing with beards

Spinning in their wickedness

Till it is full of peace

Things do get better.

Going but not gone.

I launch into space

Getting past the atmosphere

Almost caught in the spin

The orbit

But this rocket has a heart

