Do you have idiocy insurance?

Can you be sure how power a Moran is!? is free

It repels the most inane and imbecilic

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I like the idea of 17 year old allowed to vote since soon many will be on their own.

Welcome them into the world with some voting power. F some of them look very disenfranchised now!

If you are here looking for some kind of self help this blogger may frustrate you!

Also I don't claim to know it all in anyway!

I have no leadership credentials too big!

Nor do I throw the best advice or facts!

But come here despite my ways!

The muse slips in and out of time!

She has a sparkle in her eyes!

It flits and flirts her wit!

Rain falls and desire!

Bright boy with fig!

Apart not!


The swine had a fat time!

Enlarging is what they want to do

Poor Napoleon!!!!


What would a Bernie Sanders Presidency be like?

Sanders win of Michigan is totally unexpected.

It took my breath away, as Clinton had a double digit lead there.  Now I must go back to the drawing board.  Egad.  Now I support all democrats.  The republicans themselves have admitted their party is broken.  Seriously.