What are the protestors doing with the pornstars?

The limits might not be your own.

They say America is a free country.

If you complain about wars to generals you are an idiot.

I know no limits.

It takes a village to raise a lot of idiots.

No book comes to a dark world..

Keep yourself.

Are you ready for the LADY IN RED?

Tyrant Games go down..

Men of few words still interest us moderns.

The image of love, is but a poem burning flames.

Minds don't change, not like modern sex changes.

I haven't been keeping track, but I easily have caught over 100 famous people visiting my site over the years. That is a boost for the project for sure.

I heard her do karaoke and wasn't fooled by her old age.

It is I yet again, I, it is my time, the correct moment for me, here, your worst fear, ME, THE TALL THIN MAN, I appear out of the shadows over seven feet tall, ha! ha! I am on the go now, striding across your environment, playing my dark violin as I go!

So what can be done to make the world better? I defy your lack of initiative and inaction to answer this question yourself.

I pointed the way for finding the weight for the Higgs Particle, I pointed the way to finding a green star and inventing the blue led light bulb which pointed the way to led bulbs, I invented an equation for the popular block universe and retrocausality, I proposed a second big dark bang that has been taken seriously in astronomy, I have brought attention to white holes which have been taken seriously now, I want some recognition.

How is a question that needs to be asked once you know the why.