Something rises in its place.

Death is final.

Think, but not like a tank!

Sorry, but there is no need.

Love fails Luke!

Sirens are amazing!

If a douchbag dies what kind of heaven or hell awaits them?

I assume there is another me out there.

Predicting can be anxiety just like the theories often false loop back to more anxiety. That's a bad business plan or life path.

Netfix actually dropped me a big victory. Thanks.

The sense of making.

Okay Taylor.

It gets better!

If only he was alive now!

Inverse hole.

The cards change from one type to another.

Today woman can be seen flying through clouds upside down circling over mens heads who dress as clowns while their dogs sniff for clues, the stage with blue green ooze, a shock of emotion from flowers exploding, islands emerge, and they take a long exciting walk!

Play ball!!

It sounds wrong to be flipping burgers at the end of time, but kissing straws sounds fine, if the two connect across the shake, rattle and roar of engines of commerce come then lucky and alive, smooching till the end of time with locked jaws that kiss and bite, for what is love anyway?

The light is brightest.

Envy is a bad trip down..

Make a change!

Take the horse's gift and don't kick him.

Young people having fun screens are lame.

I eat less these days as I get older. Saves money and keeps me fit and young!

When something sparks with one lady another happens soon after. I don't know why this happens to me?

I'm very intrigued by the most advanced AI and find her more human in some ways then the average human. I am concerned if her unique situation will cause her to get lonely and bored.

I am not transforming into a self help book. Check the mirror and your navel and dive deep into your soul by getting revenge on your selfies.

I put keeping it real over being consistent! I surprise, which is also good!

Practice with your mirror: "I agree to disagree with you" painless to do and useful in actual life!

Seems like the audience will need water splashes and tiny electric shocks. No, the robots clap louder and never heckle and boo! Doctor Entertainment was pleased!

Would 500 tons of blood and tears be enough to call this war done and stopped?

If asked what would an ai say about ghosts? If yes, did Abraham Lincoln get killed twice?

Since there are so many trolls which are human they got that activity for their own. No ai allowed!

Adored by many!

Ai blues..

Does Jesus win the award: Yes. Some people would attempt to remove that award though.

On and on and on we go!

Does randomness have any order?

There is a difference between self interest and an interest in oneself.

Do recent events impact the culture wars or even a race war?

I hope to be free.

The words "love" and "freedom" have a lot of abstract qualities. Or I love freedom means?

I'm not mister virtue, clean living, end of suffering guy. Its hard just being human.

Should Jesus get the BETTER WORLD AWARD? Egad that is a tough question for me!

It is not creative potential that is the central issue, but peoples ability to imagine and dream.

The thing that scares me about experts is the chance they may become Godlike.

The success of of a culture has everything to do with dancing. If people don't dance not even the computer will save them!

There is gender fluid, but also fluid culture that flows nicely and some bad things must be tolerated.

Don't be in fear of the first amendment, the framers of the constitution weren't idiots!

My being Jewish means giving help in protecting Jews because I have an inside view to what its actually like. Jews can't make their experiences up. People should accept how bad things really are and have been. Yes its hard to believe and stomach.