Victory by end of winter with humanitarian victories dedicated to life.

There is a dream out there.

Okay, hope you all are doing at least doing okay. Lets show the world a better side to the American character!

I love this kind of magic!

It seems unlikey now that the US will ever be given the prestigious award that I have been honored to bestow.

Does it bother you that I don't explain or advise? There must be a reason why I don't!

If time can only go forwards that could be an X and quantum mechanics splits things in two dirrections or Y being backwards backwards and forwards can't both happen, but Y still exists as a possibility.

Illusions must change!


Happen or dust.

Keep the beauty glowing!

Got to Know!



Aliens or humans?

They faced each other with new super powers!

What would happen if the earth was a deity!

And then there was you.

The youth are coming!

And the night smashes the day as if it were an illusion. As the shadow touched the hills I had a woman. She broke the silence.

Went down the hill on high heels she could. Laura seemed capable of anything including riding an elephant. She had a top hat and often lived in the past.

Cats clean your house while you are not looking!


The cats are out to play!

Aliens coming yet again!


Healing for a change!

Winter is here and the heat is on? Time stops not! But what of this world so cold? Things happen in a secret place on Saturday night not far from the tower of bling bling!

If you have a missing avocado and then they begin to multiply how many avocados remain to eat if zero food quantity is within the body with nobody to share it with?

Al day just thinking about love!

Bill Holes Master Brofessional!

A sign from GoD! perhaps!

People drop their phones do a group hug and begin to boogie for no reason. The beguiled experts just leap into the fray busting moves and hyper analyzing.😆! Yea!😋

Played by real animated people!

Youre ready to dance finally!

The many worlds of Elvis the American!

Soldiers, not idealouges or maniacal types.

What about humming birds?