What if I told you that you had no right to defend yourself against a terrorist, then turned around and said: you don't even exist or have a right to, the land is no longer yours, and I intend to yell offensive things around you.

Child social media revolution.

I am here to declare that my blog is a failure. I am not getting anywhere. Nobody cares anymore. The world doesn't interest me enough. Oh well.

Safety first!

Keep an eye on reality.

The acts are fine by me, as not everyone agrees.

Bill can't be bothered while watching his gold fish.

Nothing really has happened so hold your horses.

Even children don't act as immature as perfectionistic idealist cry babies, whiners, complainer controllers, prime idiots. So lets give the vote to tweens.

Italy has indeed won the BETTER WORLD AWARD.

What happen to the Ivy League?

Perhaps the ultimate Bill Hole Event!

A better Bill Hole Event!

This is a Bill Hole event!

Who needs peace when you got this?

Then I met the bastard and said yes, yes I can, and I will.

Never trust a big puppy.

We can at least defeat the Nazi's in imaginary internet ways.

A new theory about the origin of the universe, but not the university. It is Green, not the idealistic nonsense, but the color. It turns out that you, the algae, the slime, your peas, and everything is GREEN.

A Bill Hole is on my twitter supporting something called zero layer. Also it turns out he left Paris and is back in Maine doing some water sports.

Freedom is a long road.

Antisemitism is upsetting, very much, but imagine if things went down a different path in the last nine months. I am not sure I would be alive right now.

In the situation with Putin, please assume better of him, he might surprise you.

Most recently Denmark has won the BETTER WORLD AWARD, some lovely people in Denmark pushed my heart there.

Anyone can find fault, but everyone is not perfect, nothing in this world is perfect, and pointing fingers is extremely childish.

America went from being the most exceptional country to a country hell bent on politics over just about anything, except healthy tasty food.

There can be tyranny on the right, and on the left. So the move to the right is no excuse to get excited in the wrong way.

The New Change is called "END ANTISEMITISM FOREVER" any known helpers who contribute will win the: BETTER WORLD AWARD!

I would like to do a lot of healing, but at the same time I want to know who the #1 villains are. I imagine they have an entire hateful book shelf in their homes. The truly die hard dedicated adults hiding somewhere.