I will be stupid sometimes. Just because humans all have it in them.

I went to Israel when I was 14 and spent some time in the West Bank and at the Red Sea.. No problems! Nice people, nice muslims also. Great visit!

The canceled world.

Time tells me that fun has to change into something else than just good times.

The Gods of Egypt and other Gods were not always like God.

A mature lord of the flies.

Life can be a game of chance, or a game of fun.

What does the world need? A better world. Keep that idea in the front of your mind.

The most interesting thing is the parallels between the Russian and Hammas invasion: The unintended consequences. Maybe there is a God.

So the innocence of this good cause is in doubt.

Warning, this may trigger you.

Freedom from slavery equals what?

The protest suddenly became skelotons and they were dancing.

After the longest nightmare ever, she was waiting there, clutching her rose and lifting it to the sky, with a sigh of agony she fell, and in darkness she dwells, with spiders, that spin her, as she goes down.

We all move to Israel after the alien invasion happens.

An angel is different than a human, the human is not anything.

Gazans were very impressed.

Spreading across the globe.

Darling I am a cat not a lap dog.

Have I done anything major in Physics? Yes, 6 things so far. How did that happen: I have no idea. When did this begin: It began about seven years ago and I am now 55. What does the physics community think about you: I have no idea.

In the end the trail leads to the sea, and the rest vanishes, and no way back is there, but even the memory is gone, and then you are flooded inside water.

Nothing good will come if..we plant our seeds in land with flaming hate and violence. No way around it. Nothing good to say about it, no angles work for me.