The Truth is that this is a Play you are in where the truth is often relative.

Feeling like an evil minion?

So I wonder how America will do in the future, and the corporations need to let us know.

Hold me not tight.

Why do crows make such a caw as they do? Not to sound good to you, no. A caw to a crow is the most beautiful sound in the universe and says every good thing possible.

Living in a democracy means being a citizen, participating, conversing; not running around with offensive flags and screaming violent language.

When a crisis happens you must act, and do so wisely, which is not the case when people jump to a side of a conflict they believe is on the right side of history, before much has transpired. That is my view of what happened. It is beyond tragic.

You can win nothing by being a useful idiot.

Love is freely given or not at all.

There is one good thing in the Bay Area, and that is the weather.

Are the Good Guys Winning? I am not sure exactly what to think? Humans can be oh so good, and oh such criminals also.

Future or not to be?