I felt that you felt 

Which was so long

The night went on

The dream window

Blew open to you

For you


You might feel more

For more days

For something wonderful

For something special

Something great

Would God take this away

And would God just look the other way

As if us humans were not capable enough

That we could not even grasp something

Something so simple

And so beautiful as love.
Smooth clouds cover eyes

Nothing touches

So the sounds get empty

Empty as an empty glass

Lifting it

Fills the drink

The thinking drink

Thoughts of water

And waterfalls

And phone calls

With cell phone

On a cellular level

Where knowing happens.
You can pull a rabbit out a hat

You can eat carrots out of my hands

And the plane gets plane

As up goes down

As turkeys make their rounds

Reveals a clown

That is stuck in a pink tent

Time to go now.