To fix it

To melt it from what it was

To swirl it in steel

To throw a flaming blanket

At it

I smile because



I'm not going to tell!

All sweet things just

Taste better with some lemon

Don't ask me why

I don't know

But I care

Still dreaming.


Do not

What ever you do



Keep your heart thumping

Like a Chopin Invasion

Of blue green aliens.
I read the book

And I read you

Then there was no book

And I read that too

Reading my mind for signs of you

In a way

It's all okay


The stars shine

They shine for me

Life is good time

The melody is in my eyes

The full moons chime

The room is wide

Life is wide open.

Lets go to the let it go

The ride was good

Upside down and around and round

I say

What was that

I know it was what it was

Which was cosmic soup.

Gone beyond like

Oh God

Gone beyond like

Life is good.
Suddenly the path has a mind of its own again

The wheels though silent are on fire

Gliding over the snow

Melting everything around

A new day is upon me

Life now has opened a secret door

Lots of yummy to explore.

Strength is not in the force of one's force

As that can go against the Tao

The universe is just asking us to watch in all dirrections

To then know how we fit in with the universe

Or how we will fit into the universe

So it is easy even at a beginning

It is clear to me and clear to you

If one can one should move that easily.