Can we live in another world?

The sky is not the limit! O no!

What happens if a musicoligist has tea with a gynocologist?

When tweakers and butt twerkers come together I want to be there!

Great minds are often too busy to be great.

As wealth grows somethings don't.

A nicer shade of purple please.

You can not be intolerant of intolerance with out appearing to be an idiot eventually.

What if all space in the universe contained atoms within its giant field. Some atoms give off the illusion of solid matter where the person couldn't tell the difference. Perhaps only the turbulence on the stage makes it happen.

If you want to make a better world show up where there is life and have fun.

Technology is great, but can't achieve a quality foot rub.

Being weird doesn't mean anything to me.

Sometimes the best way to get peace is to leave your problems alone.

Some minds bend like the wind to any suggestion, and the culture I like has no such need anyway.