A study about time.

If time travel happens it is not the way we normally imagine it. Time being a continuem by some logic presents something hard to grasp with logic. Common sense is totally irrelevent.

Predictions: Flash! War Machine!

See for yourself.

War is for the hero.

War will have tears, but also new life forms.

Fuel for the brain.

I've drank enough love potions to last a life time, I suppose it will make me healthy, wealthy and wise. or vomit.

Science on my mind: Star Gazing is a blast. Plus strawberry moon.

It felt like I was being honored.

Fiction vs Reality? Not sure which is better.

Turns me up.

Go back in time with this song.

This is good news, and sorry Trump..

I am trying to figure out what is modern as of 2023? Not just the suffering and challenges, but what will grow as a result of the pandemic. Research shows that when population declines rich people pay larger wages. That is the history of the last two plagues.

Some people seem to think I am brilliant in Physics and I don't agree. I am just eager to find things out.

I have been reviewing my recent book and don't feel that it should be published. How unfortunate.

The cure for insanity is a lot of work torwards sanity.

Principles attract me.

This is not a fake.

Coke vs Pepsi?

Marriage isn't the only path to enlightment.

I came up with the expression: GIANT SQUID OF ANGER! It has been a normal term on the internet since: for about 10 years!

You run and leap to the top rung, then all tumble with the doves. How little in dark times they love. How dark must it be in social swamp, morass, and much muck. I fight back. Winds beat upon me, yet I am unstoppable, I storm and topple the wicked tower and replace with what matters.

How brutal is war?

Someone said the Edgar Allen Poe shouldn't have been in the military since he is a poet. Egad, is everyone f ing retarded, stupid, reactionary, or eating crap food?